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Host: Nepantlera : Sashenka Lopez

Frequency: Weekly

Genre: Avant Othered Artists / Occasionally Themed

Nepantlera de La, of Fake Parts and BAKA, returns in new terrestrial form with a focus on nature, industrial electronic sounds, and non-conforming artists. EXPECT: ∆ Experimental Radio ∆ Tragic Collage ∆  Radical Waves ∆ Space Trash ∆ Cymatic Magic ∆  & PURE LOVE

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Nepantlera de La, anteriormente de Fake Parts, vuelve en nueva forma terrestre con un enfoque en la naturaleza, sonidos electrónicos industriales y artistas no conformes. EXPECTATIVA: Δ Radio Experimental Δ Collage Trágico Δ Ondas Radicales Δ Papelera Δ Magia Cymatic Δ y Amor Puro

"I have a term that is called “nos-otras”, and I put a dash between the “nos” and the “otras”. The “nos” is the subject “we”, that is the people who were in power and colonized others. The “otras” is the “other”, the colonized group. Then there is also the dash, the divide between us. However, what is happening, after years of colonization, is that all the divides disappear a little bit because the colonizer, in [their] interaction with the colonized, takes on a lot of their attributes. And, of course, the person who is colonizing leaks into our stuff. So we are neither one nor the other; we are really both. There is not a pure other; there is not a pure subject and not a pure object. We are implicated in each other’s lives."

— Gloria Anzaldúa’s interview with Karin Ikas in Borderlands/La Frontera 

KUZU Premier: FOURTH WAVE ~ WINTER 2019; FIRST WAVE ~ Summer 2017 (BAKA 06/19); REAL WAVES ~ August 2012 (Fake Parts on 1670am)

Earlier Event: March 28
Mixtape Soup
Later Event: March 28
Unexplained Technology