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Don't Panic

Host: Marko

Frequency: Tuesdays 11pm-1am

Genre: Improbability Driven sound vibrations

Sometimes one wakes up with a song in the brains. Throughout the day the tune comes out with the rhythm of walking, whistling whilst at work, sometimes infecting others. Could this be bipartisan magical connections? I do not know. The Show shall Spelunk musical tones and creative doings to align the melodic vibrations with improbability. A soundscape of groove that may summon a variety of moods, wrapping you musically with a snuggly blankey making a safe secure place for one to be themselves. To find the common thread of unity through Wonka-vision like auras summoning illuminati levels of procrastination. Side effects may include a physical manifestation to dance whilst washing the dishes, Lay on ones tummy to color on da floor, whatever task one does to justify the priority of the day to be blown off letting the inner child out to put the inner adult away for a nap. All this contained in a multi faceted flavor color sound mix freezing the concept of time allowing a creative flow to emerge from the cocoon of couth.


KUZU Premier: SIXTH WAVE ~ FALL 2021 (10/26)

Earlier Event: March 25
Later Event: March 26
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